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Sunday, 26 July 2009


Early tomorrow morning my mother and father leave for Switzerland to travel with Kylie. There has been a lot of organizing and a lot of final words and a lot of final bookings. I too have been doing my own organizing.
My list consists of things such as bungee jumping, all-night movie marathon, party-of-the-year, etc.
I wonder if she'll have as much of a good time as I will...

(Nothing personal, I'm just kidding, Mum. I'll miss you.)



Carrie said...

sounds fun to me. Going to Swizerland, and have a party! We usually go buy some corn chips and salsa, and sometimes candy, then we watch a movie or two! :)

Helen said...

Here's what I'm thinking Jordan. Firstly, did they take the car? OK, find the keys, grab the corn chips, salsa, lollies, movies etc. and come and have a holiday with me. Actually, just pick me up on your way through and we'll have a road trip to somewhere......